Cafe Kantary and Alex Face

Cape+Kantary is a magazine that you will find in all the #CapeandKantary Properties. In every edition, there is always an article that we like to share on Social Media. In this edition - - (Pages 44-47) one writer visited and met Alex Face - the Man behind the Rabbit – a conversation with Alex Face

Alex Face is a popular Thai Street Artist whose canvas is what is around us - the city and the country side. His signature is the bunny in a number of different poses. In the interview, we read that “The face in all of my artwork is my daughter as a baby.”

If you are visiting Thailand you will see Alex’s work in a number of different places but more are now seen around the world - follow him on Instagram

Here is a map of some Street Art (including some of Alex’s) if you are visiting Phuket -

Visit us at Café Kantary in Prachiniburi - see what Alex painted on the walls.Photo courtesy of Instagram and ora_onn



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